Sunday, March 20, 2016

I have felt that after reading Act 1 that Nora’s husband Torvald   treats her like a younger sibling than a wife. Throughout the entire act he refers her as pet names, “Has my featherbrain been out wasting money again?” (pg. 148) and I learned that he doesn’t like spending a lot of money or even borrowing it. Nora has a constant struggle between telling her husband a huge secret and how she manages with the lie, which physically and emotionally hurts her. In my opinion, Nora should have told Helmer a long time ago, but if she holds it in any longer the truth is going to come out eventually. I can also relate this through text to self because once I had held in something for so long and I realized after a while it really affects you. I now know that if you have an issue its best that you let someone know right off the bat. Another quote that also describes Helmer and Nora’s relationship is when he suspects that Nora has been to the bakery, “Didn’t little sweet-tooth just look in at the confectioners?” (pg. 151) After I learned that Nora likes macaroons and that she denies being there even though she was.

I was also introduced to Krogstad who is a bank manager that frequently visits the Helmer’s. I also learned that he forged his signature on a bank note just as Nora did to save her husband’s life. Torvald says in response to what he did was “In a house like that, every breath that the children take is filled with germs of evil.” (pg. 179) and if Nora was to tell her husband what she did in response to his actions she could put herself in a lot of trouble. At the end of the first Act, Nora doesn’t trust herself around her children. I also have a few questions, what Nora did to save Torvald was the only way or was there other methods? And, Did Nora really understand the consequences of forging her signature and working a side job that her husband didn’t even know about? But overall I felt that reading this I really enjoyed the play so far.


  1. i agree with catherine because Nora gets treated like a child in a way. Nora does not understand that the littlest things she does can really make a big difference and it can lead to bigger things or problems.

  2. I Agree with this because as Nora forged a signature she didn't know what would happen if Helmer was to know what she did. And what I also agree on is that she is being treated way to much like if she was a child.

  3. Im with you on the idea Nora should of just told Torvald. She could have saved her the time and trouble. The more she waits, the worse the lie gets. It just worsens the situation.

  4. I agree with you its never a good idea to lie in any relationship. Not only does it hurt the marrige but the guilt starts to eat her alive.

  5. I agree with you, Nora should of told Torvald the truth. She wouldn't of had to worry about it now if she told him in the first place.

  6. I completely understand the quote you added from page 179. It sounds a little harsh or over exaggerated with the "breaths filled of evil" but I understand what it means. They're surrounded by a guilty liar.

  7. Good use of quotes. Nice observation Gabby!
